Union Participation

Scholarships opportunities

Click to download application forms:

2025 MN AFLCIO Scholarship

Martin Duffy Adult Learner Scholarship

Labor Leader grant form

2025 Union Plus Scholarship form

The Minnesota AFL-CIO is proud to have scholarships available for union members and their dependents.

2025 MN AFL-CIO Scholarships  

The Minnesota AFL-CIO sponsors scholarships for high school seniors graduating in 2025.

See the scholarship forms for details of eligibility requirements.


Martin Duffy Scholarships

The Martin Duffy Adult Learner Scholarship is a $500 tuition scholarship awarded to Union members of Minnesota AFL-CIO affiliate unions (not high school graduating dependents).  
All scholarship funds are applicable only to accredited educational institutions.  Awards will be made payable jointly to the winners and the educational institutions as indicated.  Only winners will be notified.  Winners must use the scholarship within one year of receipt of notification letter.
Sponsored and funded by the Minnesota AFL-CIO.  Please call Labor Education Service at 612/624-5020 or your Local Union for additional information

Labor Leadership Grants

The Tobey Lapakko Labor Leadership Grant is available to women who are union members in good standing; the Charles McKenna Leadership Grant is available to men who are union members in good standing.

Grants are available for members of affiliated unions seeking to develop their abilities and skills as union leaders. The grants help defray the cost of classes, programs or conferences sponsored or endorsed by the AFL-CIO or affiliated organizations.

The Minnesota AFL-CIO Education Committee determines recipients and grant amounts.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Martin at 651-227-7647.

Union Plus Scholarship

Since 1992, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than $2.4 million to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education. Over 1,700 families have benefited from our commitment to higher education. The Union Plus Scholarship Program is offered through the Union Plus Education Foundation.  Visit them here at Union Plus or to be brought right to their 2025 scholarship application Click here!

Nellie Stone Johnson Scholarship

Scholarships ranging from $1,200 to $2,500 are given each year to students enrolled in community or technical college, along with undergraduate and graduate programs. Students are eligible for consideration for up to two years for a community or technical program, up to four years of undergraduate work at a university (including two years in a community or technical college, and up to two years of graduate work. For eligibility see application form.

If you have any questions regarding the scholarship programs offered by the Minnesota AFL-CIO, check out their site or contact Pamela Miles, at 651-294-3085 or toll-free at 1-800-652-9004.

For questions on the Martin Duffy Adult Learner Scholarship, contact Labor Education Service, U of M, 612-624-5020.

Bradley Lehto

MN AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer

To find more information on these opportunities please visit https://www.mnaflcio.org/about/scholarships-awards

The Heat and Frost Insulators International also offers a scholarship opportunity to our members:


international2024 2025

Building Trades Credit Union

Each year, BTCU awards a total of $10,000 in scholarships to 15 members.

Scholarship applications can be found, starting January 1.

Click here for more info: Building Trades Credit Union

©2025 International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local 34. All rights reserved.